Thursday, October 4, 2007

October 4, 2007 (Day 40)

Hello to all our faithful friends and well wishers. Things here at Sunnyview are beginning to flow a little faster and Todd is progressing wonderfully.
The team of therapists met yesterday to discuss Todd's progress. They are very pleased with how well he is doing. In fact, they are so impressed that they are shooting for a goal of being able to discharge Todd as an inpatient status in a minimum of two weeks. Believe it or not, as much as we can't wait to get Todd home we were panicked to get that news. At this point we feel that this is a little premature and almost felt like we were being rushed out but we were assured that this is not written in stone and a decision has not been made. It's simply something to strive for.
Todd is still dependent on a wheelchair and continues physical therapy in an attempt to walk. He walks with the assistance of therapists. Yesterday they fit Todd for a brace to help support his leg while walking. The brace has to be ordered and will take at least a week to arrive. Todd also wears an arm sling to keep his right arm stable. Feeling and movement on his right side is still limited. Todd is beginning to say a few words. He still gets extremely frustrated as it is very hard for him to communicate. All that is from the brain injury and this is not surprising or unexpected. The therapists say the brain has to be retrained once again to do all that it does and it will take time and patience.
Some time in the near future the therapists will go to Todd's parents house to evaluate it and make it as user friendly as possible for Todd as well as for us to be able to help care for and rehabilitate him. This arrangement will be temporary until Todd is independent enough to be on his own.
We were so happy to get a response on Todd's blog from Joshua, his sister Amber and their Mom. Thank you to all of them for being such an inspiration to our family. You will never know how much it means to us. Again, we want to thank all of you for all that you have done for us.
As you can imagine, this experience has been very draining on Todd and our entire family and we want to thank all of you for your love and support. We are very sorry that visitation for Todd is still limited but we need time for our family to spend time together as a unit. Thank you for your understanding and patience. With love in Christ, God Bless.

Todd wasn't able to go see his favorite group Heart last week like he had originally planned; however, Todd's close friends instead got Ann and Nancy Wilson of the group Heart to send an autographed get well picture to him as well as a meet and greet bracelet which will allow Todd to personally meet them the next time Todd goes to one of their concerts. Todd was thrilled and amazed and his happiness with this was a great sight. We have scanned a small copy of the signed photo at the top of the blog and a larger version can be seen by scrolling to the bottom of the blog. Thanks Joe!


Anonymous said...

We continue to follow this blog with great anticipation. We are so happy to hear that Todd is making steady progress. With Todd's strength and determination, and loving support of family and friends, there is no doubt in our minds that he will make a full recovery. Everyone at the gym misses Todd, his jabs at our sports teams (what would he be saying to Andy and me about our Mets????) and the many coversations from a to z. Keep up the good fight Todd, and to Sue and family, stay well, and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We look forward to the day when we are able to visit with Todd and everyone again.
Nadine and Frank Toma

Unknown said...

I am so happy to hear that there is so much progress in Todd. I am sure as you have witnessed, there are many patients who make little or no progress in the same amount of time that you are there. How amazing that Todd is taking these "steps" towards a good recovery. It is wondeful that Todd has such a caring and devoted family as well to keep by his side day in and day out, many times that has the most to do with a patient's recovery. Todd has so much to come back to!
Amber Johns

Anonymous said...

What an encouraging message today! I read it and kept bugging Joe all day to make sure he read it cause it was so inspiring. Your apprehension about his coming home is certainly understandable but they definitely wouldn't even think about it if they didn't think he was ready. What a great thing it was that his favorite band did for him. God's starting to change the baby steps to bigger ones. All the more reason to Praise Him and thank Him always! You're all in our Prayers! Love, Joe and Therese Mack