Friday, October 26, 2007

Day 62--DISCHARGED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings to all! We are sorry that it has been so long since our last blog. We actually wrote one this past week but it somehow got lost between writing it and getting it to the blog.
This is one blog however that we have been waiting to write. What an awesome day it has been. Todd was discharged from Sunnyview today. He will stay at Mom and Dad's until he is able to go back to his apartment.
As thrilled as we are at having Todd home, it was very sad to leave all our new friends and our safety net at Sunnyview. We truly met some extraordinary people who went above and beyond their call of duty with Todd's care. His therapists were top notch in bringing Todd to the level he is now. We are all very sad to leave them.
Todd will continue to have therapy three days a week on an outpatient basis. He will be re-evaluated next week so he will not actually start therapy for at least a full week. We have to say that this is discouraging but it is how the system works. He also will have a whole new set of therapists.
We were given exercises to do at home and will continue to do all we can to rehab Todd as much as possible at home. Todd also has many follow up appointments with the doctors.
Many many thanks to each and everyone of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. Todd is overwhelmed with all the cards and well wishes he has received. We have kept a log for him and are always letting him know how many people are asking about him and praying for him.
We are so grateful for all the respect you have showed Todd during this time. Thank you for giving him his space to recover. Since many of you saw Todd at his worst in the I.C.U. at Albany Med, we look forward to the day you can see how much better he looks and what a miracle he is.
Unfortunately Todd still feels very self conscious since he can't communicate well and does not feel quite himself yet. This will only be temporary so please be patient a little longer.
We want to especially thank Todd's five "adopted" brothers who have been there for Todd and our family since the day of his accident. Without their total selfless love and support we never could have survived this ordeal. All of their love, strength and encouragement have held us up during this difficult time. You all are truly gifts from God and you are all what family is meant to be. To each and everyone of you; Bob Alescio, John and Joe Cimino, Steve Manikas and Terry McGann, we love you. God Bless.

John, Sue, Chris, Todd and Jenn

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 weeks at Sunnyview

Hello to All!

All is going well here at Sunnyview. It has been just over 7 weeks since Todd's accident and everything continues to be small baby steps. We were able to bring Todd home again this past Sunday. This past week was much more relaxed for everyone since we knew a little more what to expect. It was a very good day. Todd is doing well at therapy. He is walking with a quad cane with the assistance of therapists for his right side. He has limited mobility with his right arm but the therapists are working hard with Todd. With a brain injury patient, consistency is a must. The therapists also want to make Todd as independent as possible in order for him to go home. They are aiming for an earlier discharge rather than later.
Todd's speech continues to be minimal however he has a good level of comprehension. Todd has trouble translating what his brain is actually thinking. This is very frustrating for Todd.
Again please give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done. As wonderful as most of the health care workers have been, we know who is in charge-God.
May God continue to bless each and every one of you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/9 Update from Sunnyview

Greetings from Sunnyview. We've had some very positive experiences this past week. First and foremost, Todd came home on Sunday 10/7 for a day pass. He was so happy to be able to enjoy food, football and family. He made great progress in therapy yesterday. He was able to do a leg lift with his right leg for the first time---hooray!!! They continue to work him hard and furious. Today Todd's feeding tube was removed, he was thrilled.
The therapy team will be making a home visit tomorrow to make the house "Todd friendly" when he eventually comes home.
We would like to thank the Lawrence family for taking us under their wings since we have been here at Sunnyview. God certainly sends angels when you need them the most. Laureen's messages to my Mom, through Jennifer have been especially comforting and appreciated. It's that Mom to Mom bond.
To our friends the Carr's and Ferraro's, not a day goes by that you're not in our thoughts and prayers. To Joe and Dana: keep up the good work!!! We all need to heal so we can have a reunion.
Again, a great big hug and thank you to all that everyone has done for us. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will be on the road to recovery for quite some time. However we know we are not alone. Praises to our Lord. God Bless.

Todd and Family

Thursday, October 4, 2007

October 4, 2007 (Day 40)

Hello to all our faithful friends and well wishers. Things here at Sunnyview are beginning to flow a little faster and Todd is progressing wonderfully.
The team of therapists met yesterday to discuss Todd's progress. They are very pleased with how well he is doing. In fact, they are so impressed that they are shooting for a goal of being able to discharge Todd as an inpatient status in a minimum of two weeks. Believe it or not, as much as we can't wait to get Todd home we were panicked to get that news. At this point we feel that this is a little premature and almost felt like we were being rushed out but we were assured that this is not written in stone and a decision has not been made. It's simply something to strive for.
Todd is still dependent on a wheelchair and continues physical therapy in an attempt to walk. He walks with the assistance of therapists. Yesterday they fit Todd for a brace to help support his leg while walking. The brace has to be ordered and will take at least a week to arrive. Todd also wears an arm sling to keep his right arm stable. Feeling and movement on his right side is still limited. Todd is beginning to say a few words. He still gets extremely frustrated as it is very hard for him to communicate. All that is from the brain injury and this is not surprising or unexpected. The therapists say the brain has to be retrained once again to do all that it does and it will take time and patience.
Some time in the near future the therapists will go to Todd's parents house to evaluate it and make it as user friendly as possible for Todd as well as for us to be able to help care for and rehabilitate him. This arrangement will be temporary until Todd is independent enough to be on his own.
We were so happy to get a response on Todd's blog from Joshua, his sister Amber and their Mom. Thank you to all of them for being such an inspiration to our family. You will never know how much it means to us. Again, we want to thank all of you for all that you have done for us.
As you can imagine, this experience has been very draining on Todd and our entire family and we want to thank all of you for your love and support. We are very sorry that visitation for Todd is still limited but we need time for our family to spend time together as a unit. Thank you for your understanding and patience. With love in Christ, God Bless.

Todd wasn't able to go see his favorite group Heart last week like he had originally planned; however, Todd's close friends instead got Ann and Nancy Wilson of the group Heart to send an autographed get well picture to him as well as a meet and greet bracelet which will allow Todd to personally meet them the next time Todd goes to one of their concerts. Todd was thrilled and amazed and his happiness with this was a great sight. We have scanned a small copy of the signed photo at the top of the blog and a larger version can be seen by scrolling to the bottom of the blog. Thanks Joe!