Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Skip's Party

Hello to all and we hope everyone had a great holiday season. Things have been going well for Todd. He continues outpatient therapy at Sunnyview and he is still motivated as ever. We had a surprise 40th birthday party for Terry and Todd was the one who made all the arrangements. None of the guys wanted to face Terry and say they had any involvement in the planning so Todd agreed to take all the blame, and he did. Amy and Sue did pretty much all of the pre-party work and the guys basically showed up. Terry was surprised and all the guys were quick to point out that the party was all Todd's idea. We are gearing up for the annual Super Bowl party at Bob's and Todd will also be in charge of the arrangements. Thank you all for your continued support and Todd still enjoys the comments on the blog, so keep posting.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Todd continues to make progress! He continues to be in my families thoughts and prayers. Hey, slow and steady wins the race! So keep up the great work!
Stacy Ferraro (Albany Med waiting room friend)
p.s. my dad continues to do well in his recovery as well

Anonymous said...

First of all Happy Birthday to you!
Also, I agree with the first posting that slow and steady wins the race!!
I hope you enjoyed the superbowl. We are Steelers fans although it was hard for me not to root for the underdog as I think Kurt Warner deserved a superbowl ring, but it proved to be an amazing, enjoyable game!!
Take Care~

Anonymous said...

Hi Todd! Glad to hear that you are making progress. I always enjoy reading the updates about how you are doing. What did you think of the Super Bowl? The 4th quarter was great. Happy Birthday...I hope that it was enjoyable.
Take Care and God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Todd...someone posted this link on our Mohon Class webpage on facebook. I've been away from Rotterdam so long I didn't even know you were injured. Glad to see you are well on the way to being completely mended. Join facebook and reconnect with a bunch of us...Prayers sent for your continued recovery!!! Renee (Ransom) Williams

G,N,M,&J said...

Todd! I'm amazed by what you've been able to accomplish AND how long its been since I've seen you! I hope your continuing to do well. Don't think I ever told you how much I appreciated your humor. Say Hi to Joe and John when you see them. I'm in Australia, teaching and enjoying life with my wife Natalie, daughter Mackenzie (4)and son Jack (2) who's already shredding the drums... garage bands are definitely in the future. Keep it up man!
-Greg Angus