Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy "Holy"days and Merry "Christ"mas to each and eveyone of you. We would like to send all of you our very best of wishes and thank you for all of your continual support and prayers. All our love...John, Sue, Chrissy, and our gift to you....

To all of my friends...because of all of your prayers I am here and getting better everyday. Thank you for all that you have done for me. None of your generosities have gone unnoticed. My speech is improving slowly. I am still able to carry a tune. I'm still taking small steps with my walking but stay on your toes because you never know when you'll see me walking through the doors. By the way, can anyone out there tell me the truth about how my Dolphins are doing? No one seems to be giving me a straight answer...I missed the first part of the season.

Thank you to my friends & co-workers at Von Roll for everything and every wish you sent me. I really enjoyed the Chrsitmas video.

Many many thanks to all of my extended friends, family, and neighbors.

A very special thank you to Fr. Brucker, Fr. Curran, & Fr. Demartinis for visiting me and all of the special blessings, prayers, and masses you offered for me. I know God heard them!

May God bless you this Christmas season as I have truly been blessed.



MaryBeth said...

Happy Holidays my good friend...The Dolphins suck.. but with the Big Tuna in your future you may be able to enjoy your team.
I think about you every look as handsome as ever..I would love to see you.
May God continue to move you through your journey. You having to listen to us may be a good thing!!

Anonymous said...

Todd its great to see you smiling again.Hope you and your family have a great holiday.All your friends at the gym say hello and wish you the best.SEE YOU SOON your friend DAVE D

Anonymous said...

DUDE I'M so glad your doing well. You are surrounded by a great circle of family and friends. I think its all true about the FISH and unfortunately the SYRACUSE football team. Lynn and I wish you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Anonymous said...

Kitsock Gang,
It is great to hear that Todd continues to work hard with his therapy. Keep up the great work, Todd. I was glad to meet him at Sunny View and also glad that he and my dad had a chance to meet each other. Susie, it was so nice to see you again, too. What a surprise! My family and I send the very warmest holiday wishes to you all. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
-Stacy and The Ferraros

Anonymous said...

Hey there look great! Amy's been giving me updates all along and just told me last night that you had a blog, so I had to say Merry Christmas and let you know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers since September. I hear that you are still singing and always listening to problems with windows media player I hope :) Keep up the hard work and I hope to see you soon.
- Sara M.(Amy's Cousin, the computer geek)

Anonymous said...

Merry and Blessed Christmas. I read the latest update today, and it was my greatest Christmas gift of all to see your smiling face. Todd, You are in my thoughts and prayers each and every day along with your loving and caring family.
Keep up the good work and keep on smiling,it is the best medicine!
God bless.
Love, Aunt Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Your beautiful smile is so awesome to see. God sure does "good" work. My prayers are always with you and I know you will continue to get stronger each and every day! Please know our family thinks of you everyday and we're all happy to see your progress flourish.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I just sat down and looked at the Blog... I can't believe how wonderful you look!! I personally like the short hair! You are a remarkable person and boy does God have something great planned for you!!! I can't wait to see you out at the baseball fields playing with batman!! love you lots
Lori DeMyer

Anonymous said...

Toddy, you look FABULOUS!!! It literally brought tears to my eyes to see the pic of you from 12/21 with that big gorgeous smile on your face! I love you so very much and know that you have been blessed by our Holy Savior.

We all had a great Christmas here in MD, but you gave my dad the greatest gift when you called him. Thank you!

Take care and know that you are thought of often and loved so very much!!
LeeAnn Z.

Anonymous said...

Hi Todd,
Just saw your entry for Dec. 21- you handsome devil, you. You still give Jon Bon Jovi a run for his money! Keep on singing.
We think about you every night when eating dinner at my Dad's- we often look across the street and wonder how you're doing. If you ever feel like having a visitor, let him know -because he says he'd really like to stop over but he wants to respect your privacy.
Thanks for the great picture and the updates on the blog. We're excited that you're doing so well. By the way, Kim is expecting in June, so I FINALLY get to be a grandma. Maybe all my whining has paid off!
Happy New Year to you and all the family. We love you all!

Anonymous said...

To Todd and the Kitsock family:
Happy New Year! I pray that 2008 is filled with many blessings, great health and much happiness. Todd, you look AWESOME! I was so happy that your family posted your picture. You still have your mischievous smile that everyone loves! Your therapy must be difficult, but I know you are determined and the hard work is paying off. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Your family's love will get you through this, as well as your faith in God.
Love and prayers,
Deena (Pennell) Griffith

Anonymous said...

Todd - Great to see that you are doing well! I was back in NY over the Xmas break and heard all about your accident. You are amazing, as well as your family. Be on the look out for some tasty Chicago treats!

can you still hold a drumstick?
Thoughts and well wishes and prayers from Chicago! Arlene, aka., Feen, Marty, Liam and Erin.

carrie said...

I returned to work yesterday to hear how wonderfully you are doing. My son was born on 10/30 and has taken most of my time, but you have always been in my thoughts. I can't wait for him to meet Uncle Toddy from mommies work. So many people loved him before he was even born. He weighed 9 lbs, 11 oz, 22 in long. Quite a heffer! Maybe he will play for the Dolphins someday....that would make you and his dad happy, I am sure. Keep working hard and know, my dear friend, that you are thought of often.There is not anyone else that understands my warped sense of humor like you.
Miss and love you,

Carrie (@ Von Roll)
PS. Looks like you are still the prettiest girl on campus!

Anonymous said...

Todd you are getting one of our first emails on the new toy. God bless

Tom & Mary Z

Anonymous said...

Hi Todd,

I have been following your progress since November when I found out. I'm so glad to see your smiling face and hope you had an awesome Christmas. You have been on the prayer list at Sonrise Church since I found out and I'm so glad that God has answered our prayers. Praying really works when we give him the glory!!

Love and Prayers, Sharon (Adamec) Sicilia